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Honours, Awards, and Major Grants

Asimina Arvanitaki, research faculty member and Stavros Niarchos Foundation Aristarchus Chair; Davide Gaiotto, research faculty member and Krembil Galileo Galilei Chair; Yin-Chen He, research faculty member; Emilie Huffman, postdoctoral researcher; and former Perimeter researchers Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Stefania Gori, Maxim Pospelov (now a Visiting Fellow), and Itay Yavin were recipients of 2024 Frontiers of Science Awards from the International Congress of Basic Science for research papers authored during their time at Perimeter.

Alexander Braverman, research associate faculty member, was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in recognition of his efforts to advance physics.

Yushao Chen and Shuwei Liu, resident PhD students, were on the winning team for the 2023 Canadian Quantum Cup, a quantum programming competition for students run by quantum computing company Xanadu.

Bianca Dittrich, Faculty Chair, was awarded the CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from the Canadian Association of Physicists and the Centre de recherches mathématiques for “her important contributions to our understanding of the problem of observables in quantum gravity, and for her advancement of spin foam approaches to quantum gravity.”

Ghazal Geshnizjani, teaching faculty member, was a finalist for the Yara Leadership Society’s Women and Girls in Science Campaign. She was also awarded an Equity and Inclusive Communities Award from the University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics in the award’s inaugural year.

Theo Johnson-Freyd, research associate faculty member, was awarded the President’s Research Excellence Award for Emerging Investigators at Dalhousie University, where he is cross-appointed, honouring his noteworthy contributions to the university’s research culture.

Mohammed Khalil, postdoctoral researcher at Perimeter Institute, was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society for his doctoral thesis “Analytical modeling of compact binaries in general relativity and modified gravity theories,” which he completed at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam.

Luis Lehner, research faculty member and Carlo Fidani Rainer Weiss Chair, was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences of Argentina in recognition of his dedication to his field of research and his service to the development of strong gravity research in Argentina.

Roger Melko, research associate faculty member, was awarded the 2024 Excellence in Science Research Award for senior-career faculty at the University of Waterloo to recognize his outstanding research accomplishments in the University of Waterloo Faculty of Science.

Takato Mori, postdoctoral researcher at Perimeter Institute, was awarded the 40th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists from the Inoue Foundation for Science, recognizing significant novel contributions to his field, for his doctoral thesis “Entanglement structure in quantum many-body systems, field theories, and holography,” which he completed at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai.

Robert Myers, Perimeter Director and BMO Financial Group Isaac Newton Chair, was named a Fellow of the Canadian Association of Physicists “for ground-breaking research in quantum field theory and quantum gravity; and for service to the Canadian theoretical physics community, especially through contributions to the founding of the Perimeter Institute.”

Ue-Li Pen, research associate faculty member, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada for his work as “one of the most original and enterprising theoretical astrophysicists working today.”

Kendrick Smith, research faculty member and Daniel Family James Peebles Chair, was awarded the Marcel Grossman Institutional Award with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst (CHIME/FRB) team “for the innovative detection and comprehensive analysis of a large population of fast radio bursts.”

Chris Waddell, postdoctoral researcher at Perimeter Institute, was awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal by the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the UBC Dissertation Prize for outstanding academic achievement and research for his doctoral thesis “Boundaries, braneworlds, and black holes: applications of the AdS/BCFT correspondence.”

Perimeter Institute Educational Outreach team members Lorraine Blackwell, Greg Dick, Dave Fish, Kelly Foyle, Lauren Hayward, Emma Nichols, Damian Pope, Marie Strickland, and Tonia Williams were awarded the American Physical Society Excellence in Physics Education Award for “developing outstanding educational resources that are distributed free to physics teachers in 130 countries, for fostering an international peer-to-peer teacher training network, and for delivering inclusive and inspiring educational programs to students around the world.”

Six Perimeter researchers were listed on’s annual ranking of the best researchers in physics: Research Faculty member and Krembil Galileo Galilei Chair Davide Gaiotto; Perimeter Director and BMO Financial Group Isaac Newton Chair Robert Myers; Research Associate Faculty members Cliff Burgess, Raymond Laflamme, and Will Percival; and Carlo Fidani Roger Penrose Distinguished Visiting Research Chair and Director Emeritus Neil Turok.

In 2023/24, Perimeter scientists were awarded $2.8 million in new research grants from agencies including the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Intellectual Property Ontario, Google, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, the Simons Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Perimeter team wins APS Excellence in Physics Education Award

Dave Fish running a student workshop
Perimeter’s Educational Outreach team was awarded the American Physical Society 2024 Excellence in Physics Education Award. The award recognizes the team “for developing outstanding educational resources that are distributed free to physics teachers in 130 countries, for fostering an international peer-to-peer teacher training network, and for delivering inclusive and inspiring educational programs to students around the world.” Perimeter’s Educational Outreach team is made up of passionate educators, content designers, and scientists who have built a world-leading library of resources and hands-on classroom modules for students of all ages. The awardees from Perimeter are Lorraine Blackwell, Greg Dick, Dave Fish, Kelly Foyle, Lauren Hayward, Emma Nichols, Damian Pope, Marie Strickland, and Tonia Williams.
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Will East
Beni Yoshida

Two Perimeter faculty awarded Ontario Early Researcher Awards

Two Perimeter faculty members, William East and Beni Yoshida, were awarded Early Researcher Awards from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities. East is building robust theoretical models that combine gravitational wave data with optical and radio astronomy to potentially reveal new insights into fundamental physics. Yoshida will apply his expertise in quantum computing to a longstanding physics puzzle: how to make Einstein’s theory of gravity compatible with quantum mechanics. For this, he will expand into more complex models that approximate the real universe. Both early-career scientists will receive support from the Province, matched by Perimeter, to support their research programs over the next five years.

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