Copyright © 2025 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


Perimeter Institute is an independent, not-for-profit, charitable corporation governed by a volunteer Board of Directors drawn from the private sector and academic community. The Board is the final authority on all matters related to the general structure and development of the Institute.

Financial planning, accountability, and investment strategy are carried out by the Board’s Investment Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee. The Board also forms other committees as required to assist it in performing its duties.

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Institute’s Director is a pre-eminent scientist responsible for developing and implementing the overall strategic direction of the Institute. The Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer reports to the Director and oversees day-to-day operations, supported by a team of administrative staff.

Perimeter’s resident scientists play an active role in scientific operational issues via participation on various committees in charge of scientific programs. Committee chairs report to the Faculty Chair, who assists the Institute’s Director with matters such as program reviews, recruitment, and the granting of tenure.

The Scientific Advisory Committee, composed of eminent international scientists, offers independent scrutiny and advice, and provides key support in achieving the Institute’s strategic objectives.

Board of Directors

Michael Serbinis
Finance and Audit Committee member, Investment Committee member, Governance and HR Committee member
Founder and CEO, League Inc.

Jane Kinney
Vice Chair
Finance and Audit Committee member, Investment Committee member, Governance and HR Committee member
Retired Vice Chair, Deloitte

Susan Baxter
Investment Committee Chair
Perimeter Institute Leadership Council
Vice Chairman, RBC Wealth Management

Karen Collins
HR and Governance Committee Chair
Chief Talent Officer, BMO Financial Group

Gabriela González
Governance and HR Committee member
Distinguished Visiting Research Chair
Professor, Louisiana State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Wendy Gross
Chair of Technology Group at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Michael Horgan
Finance and Audit Committee member
Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP

Alan Nursall
Finance and Audit Committee member
Retired President and CEO, TELUS World of Science – Edmonton

Hratch Panossian
Finance and Audit Committee Chair
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, CIBC

Donna Strickland
Professor, University of Waterloo,
Department of Physics and Astronomy
2018 Nobel Prize in Physics

For full biographies of the Board, go to

Scientific Advisory Committee

Marcela Carena
Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory

Marica Branchesi
Gran Sasso Science Institute

Fernando Brandao
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter

Fay Dowker
Imperial College London

Daniel Freed
University of Texas at Austin

Charles Gammie
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Gian Francesco Giudice
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Gilbert Holder
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Juan Maldacena
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Natalia Perkins
University of Minnesota

Sandu Popescu
University of Bristol

Senior Leadership

Robert C. Myers

Paul Smith
Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer

Bianca Dittrich
Faculty Chair

Today’s theoretical physics is tomorrow’s technology

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